Encounter Killing of Notorious Gangster Smacks of Impropriety and Extrajudicial High Handedness

  • Most often than not, the badlands of Uttar Pradesh are in the news for one or the other reasons where criminals and gangsters rule the roost with impunity. Troika of political-criminal-police nexus is so deep-rooted into the day-to-day functioning of the society here that nothing succeeds in breaking the unholy alliance. Concerted efforts at eradicating the menace hardly merit any serious consideration owing to the patronage extended by the powers-that-be to flourish unchallenged.

PC: northwest newspapers

  • In this backdrop, the notorious gangster from Kanpur who created such sensational news in the country a week back for daring to mow down eight UP policemen in a planned Maoist style guerrilla attack is an eye-opener in turning the tide against the nexus. That the gangster was in the dock since 2001 for killing an MLA from a prominent political party amply demonstrates the unstinted support enjoyed by the hardcore criminal al through.  He could not have survived for so long without the blessings of you know who.
  • Unfolding story aftermath of the bloodbath of killing policemen is nothing short of any Bollywood potboiler reminiscent of fast-paced thrillers where chases/accidents/twists/twirls are mind-numbing and nerve-wracking. It is intriguing to note that the dreaded gangster traveled four states avoiding massive manhunt launched by the UP police and reached Madhya Pradesh offering no resistance whatsoever while getting arrested.  Hard to digest how the gangster could hoodwink check posts all along.

PC: sentinelassam

  • What followed subsequently is even more bizarre and unfathomable to comprehend as news trickled in that the gangster was killed in an encounter while attempting to free himself from the escorting UP STF (Special Task Force) commandos. Turn of events leading to the encounter also smacks of unrelatable alibis starting from the toppling of the vehicle on a rain-drenched road because a cow obstructed the movement, gangster pouncing on STF commando to snatch gun, opening firing on other men before attempting to flee that eventually resulted in the gunning down.
  • There are too many loose ends here as the dramatic events prima facie suggests extrajudicial killing. The question arises as to why the gangster was not handcuffed while being escorted to Kanpur, why would he attempt to flee since he was found unarmed and willingly surrendered in MP fearing fatal retaliation from the UP police. Also, reports suggest 15 minutes before the encounter killing occurred, media vehicles tailing the escort were stopped at a toll plaza on the premise routine checking of papers.

PC: wikipedia

  • A no-brainer as the above indicates a planned encounter looked from any angles. More the reason a thorough investigation should be carried out for the gangster would have surely spilled beans about some big benefactors and patrons behind the infamous criminal.  The onus rests on the Chief Minister to ensure fair inquiry is ordered as the Home Ministry functions under his charge.


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