Free Electric Bike: Ride It For 1-Hour And Power Your House With 24-Hour Free Electricity


Manoj Bhargava is an Indian American Businessman and philanthropist. Bhargava has created many new companies including Living Essentials, which produced the 5-Hour Energy Brand. The product had approximately not less than $4 Billion in the sales in 2015 and he has pledged to give away 90% of his net worth to help the needy and for the well-being of the world of the less fortunate.

“Billions In Change”, a documentary which filmed many projects of Manoj’s team is working on at Stage 2 labs in Farmington Hills, Michigan, like making salt water good for drinking, promoting wellness by helping blood circulate, etc. But, Manoj Bhargava found Free Electric Bike as the cheapest way to get electricity to the world. You can checkout this small video about Free Electric Bike:

“It’s so simple that we think we can make it for $100… A bicycle repairman anywhere can fix it”,

Bhargava said in an interview, reports National Geographic.

01billionairebike.ngsversion.1444312800332.adapt.768.1The “Free Electric Bike” is made from standard bike parts which can be repaired by any mechanic around the world. It is cheap and practical in terms of providing energy. Bhargava plans to release about 10,000 of these in India in 2016. The First 50 bikes will be tested in India in about 15-20 small villages and has declined to give any further information.

When someone rides the Free Electric Bike, the pedaling turns the turbine and generates the electricity and stores it in the battery. It can give 24-hour electricity when ridden for one hour. This electricity created is enough to power lights, a small fan, a charging cell phone or tablet and much more which we need in our daily life.

The invention of Free Electric Bike is certainly a blessing for the mankind; especially in the places where electricity still hasn’t reached. Let’s see, how these bikes perform in real life after their launch!

Image Source: Image 1 Featured Image


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