11 Things You Should Know about Modi’s US visit 2015

11 Things You Should Know about Modi's US visit 2015


PM Narendra Modi just completed his much awaited trip to the United States. The zeal, coverage, and according to some, publicity that Modi’s trip to the U.S. generated was massive. Many regard Modi’s trip as a success.

 Here are the top 11 highlights of his US visit in 2015.

1. SAP Centre: 21st century is India’s centurySAP

In San Jose (California), PM Narendra Modi addressed the Indian community at the SAP Centre. He spoke about the Indian economy and said that research agency, including Moody’s and World Bang agree on the fact that India is the fastest economy in the world.



2. Narendra Modi meets Obama: India rises among top US arms buyers 

This was the uniting strategic interest among the nations, which had frazzled relations during the Cold War. India was the second-highest buyer of US arms previous year behind Saudi Arabia, up from almost nothing a few years ago.


India’s own ecosystem of start-ups evolving rapidly3. India’s own ecosystem of startups evolving rapidly – Says PM Narendra Modi

It is a noteworthy thing that rapid growth is happening in India’s own ecosystem of startups. PM Narendra Modi says that India has a huge market with rapid growth and intact opportunities in every sector. India’s startups are a perfect example of success and social innovation.


digital india4. Push towards Digital India

Top officials of global information technology giants Google Inc., Microsoft Corp., Qualcomm Inc., Adobe Systems Inc. and Cisco Systems Inc. on Saturday exhibited their keenness to join hands with India and extend their contribution in the Digital India initiative that wishes to ensure that government facilities are available to people over the Internet.


v5. Drive for a permanent UNSC seat

The largest democracy in the world has been demanding a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council for the past several years. Modi hosted the 1st G4 summit that happened in more than 10 years, on September 26th. It was here that he shared the platform with Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, Brazil President Dilma Rousseff and Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and asked for their backing for India.



  1. Google: Wi-Fi services to 500 railway stations

Meeting with Google CEO, Sunder Pichai in the Silicon Valley, Sunder Pichai announced their strategy to join forces with the Indian Railways to provide 500 railways stations in India with Wi-Fi services by next year.


Facebook7. Narendra Modi: Connects with Facebook at Town Hall Mt 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke and addressed Facebook Townhall Question & Answers with Mark Zuckerberg in California. He spoke about how important it is to connect through the social media. He told that in India, focusing on 2 things is equally important; one is the physical connect and the other is the digital connect.



8. Microsoft: broadband connection in 5 lakh villages

Microsoft is collaborating with the Indian Government to bring low-cost broadband connectivity to 5 lakh villages in India.





Konnect9. Launching: Bharat Fund at ‘India-US start-up Konnect 2015’

On visiting India-US Startup Konnect 2015, PM Modi compared the Indian government as a start-up and the problems he faced similar to start-ups initially. PM promised the innovators of creating a supportive environment for start-ups and launched a fund for Better Health, Agriculture, Renewable and Technologies (BHARAT)


apple10. Invitation: Apple to set up manufacturing plant in India

On meeting the Apple CEO, Tim Cook, Modi requested Apple to set up a manufacturing base in India. Cook responded in a positive way to the invitation. The largest manufacturer of Apple has decided to set up a manufacturing base in India.



Indian diaspora11. Indian diaspora in San Jose meets PM

PM Modi met the Indian Diaspora in San Jose. He appreciated by saying that Indian culture is largely being mirrored in California and the point that Indian brains are making it big in U.S. Modi encouraged the Diaspora with his speech by saying that “many more Indian brains will be born in the U.S. and this will be a brain achievement as when the time comes they would help India”.


Sources : Image 1 , Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Image 8, Image 9, Image 10, Image 11, Featured Image


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